How to Prepare for Caveman Music Festival

The Caveman Music Festival is the ultimate event for music lovers who crave an unforgettable experience amidst the natural beauty of Monument Lake Resort in Colorado. Imagine being surrounded by mountains, listening to your favorite Americana and folk tunes, and sharing the moment with thousands of fellow music enthusiasts. Sounds perfect, right? But to make the most out of this experience, you need to prepare meticulously. Let’s dive into everything you need to know about what to bring to Caveman Festival, ensuring you’re ready for every moment.

Research the Festival:

Before you even think about packing, start by doing your homework. The Caveman Music Festival isn’t just another music festival; it’s an immersive experience. Visit the festival’s official website to check the dates, location, and lineup. Familiarize yourself with the artists performing, so you can plan your schedule around your must-see acts.

Purchase Tickets and Accommodation in Advance:

This isn’t the kind of festival where you want to leave things to the last minute. Tickets sell out fast, especially for VIP and camping packages. Lock in your tickets early to avoid disappointment. The festival offers various accommodation options, from on-site camping to nearby hotels. If you prefer a bit more comfort, consider booking an RV or a cabin, but do it soon as these spots fill up quickly.

Plan Your Transportation:

Getting to Monument Lake Resort can be a journey in itself. Whether you’re driving, flying, or taking a bus, make sure you have a clear plan. If you’re driving, ensure your vehicle is road-trip ready and consider carpooling to save on costs and help the environment. If flying, the nearest major airport is Denver International Airport, and from there, you can rent a car or catch a festival shuttle.

Create a Festival Itinerary:

Having a rough plan can help you maximize your festival experience. Note the performance times of your favorite bands, plan when to explore the area, and allocate downtime to rest and recharge. Use the festival app or a simple notebook to jot down your itinerary.

What to Pack for Caveman Music Festival

Essential Items:

  • Tickets and ID: Your entry to the festival relies on having your tickets and a valid ID. Double-check you have these before you leave.
  • Cash/Credit Cards: While many vendors accept cards, cash is often quicker and easier. Bring enough to cover meals, merchandise, and emergencies.

Camping Gear:

  • Tent: Choose a tent that’s easy to set up and provides good weather protection. A two-person tent for solo campers or a larger one if you’re sharing is ideal.
  • Sleeping Bag: Nights can get chilly, so a sleeping bag rated for cool temperatures is essential.
  • Camping Stove: If you plan on cooking, bring a portable stove and enough fuel. Remember, campfire cooking is part of the fun.

Personal Items:

  • Toiletries: Pack your basics – toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and hand sanitizer. Festival bathrooms can be a trek, so having your own supplies is handy.
  • Medications: Don’t forget any prescription medications, along with a basic first aid kit containing bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.

Tech Essentials:

  • Phone and Chargers: Your phone is your lifeline for photos, directions, and staying in touch. Bring a portable charger or two to keep it powered up.
  • Portable Power Bank: Festival grounds might not have convenient charging stations, so a fully charged power bank is a must.

Safety Items:

  • First Aid Kit: Pack a basic kit with essentials like bandages, antiseptic, and any personal medication.
  • Sunscreen and Insect Repellent: Protect your skin from sunburn and insect bites. Choose high-SPF sunscreen and effective repellent.

Festival-Specific Items:

  • Earplugs: Music festivals are loud. Protect your ears with a good pair of earplugs.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: Hydration is key, and many festivals have water stations for refilling bottles.
  • Snacks: Keep your energy up with non-perishable snacks like granola bars, nuts, and dried fruit.

What to Wear to Caveman Music Festival

Weather-Appropriate Clothing:

Colorado weather can be unpredictable, so pack layers. Bring a mix of T-shirts, long sleeves, and a waterproof jacket. Evenings can get cold, so a warm hoodie or fleece is essential.

Comfortable Footwear:

You’ll be on your feet a lot, so prioritize comfort. Sturdy sneakers or hiking boots are ideal for the rough terrain. Bring an extra pair in case one gets wet or muddy.


Hats and sunglasses are non-negotiable for sun protection. Choose a wide-brimmed hat to shield your face and neck.

Tips for Festival Fashion:

Festivals are a chance to showcase your style, but comfort should come first. Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton or linen. Don’t forget a rain poncho or waterproof jacket – just in case.

Specific Recommendations for Ladies:

  • Makeup Tips: Festivals are all about natural beauty with a touch of glam. Waterproof mascara and long-lasting foundation will keep you looking fresh all day.
  • Outfit Ideas: Flowy dresses, boho tops, and denim shorts are festival staples. Mix and match to create a look that’s both stylish and practical.

RV, Camping, Hiking, and Fishing at Caveman Music Festival

Camping Options:

The festival offers a variety of camping options to suit different preferences and budgets. You can go the traditional route with tent camping, or opt for the comfort of an RV or a rented cabin. Each option has its pros and cons, so choose what best fits your style.

Benefits of RV Camping:

RV camping provides a level of comfort that tent camping simply can’t match. You’ll have access to amenities like a real bed, a private bathroom, and a kitchenette. It’s a great way to experience the festival without sacrificing comfort.

Nearby Hiking Trails and Fishing Spots:

Monument Lake Resort is nestled in an area rich with natural beauty. Take advantage of this by exploring nearby hiking trails and fishing spots. The scenic trails offer varying levels of difficulty, perfect for a morning hike before the music starts. Fishing at Monument Lake is a relaxing way to enjoy the outdoors – just make sure you have the proper permits.

Guidelines and Tips for Outdoor Activities:

When engaging in outdoor activities, always follow the Leave No Trace principles. Respect wildlife and fellow festival-goers. Keep your campsite clean and dispose of waste properly.

Call to Action: Book Your Tickets for This Year’s Caveman Music Festival

The Caveman Music Festival promises an experience unlike any other. With a stunning backdrop, incredible music, and a host of activities, it’s a festival you won’t want to miss. Head over to the official Caveman Music Festival website to book your tickets now. Early booking not only secures your spot but also ensures you get the best accommodation options. Don’t wait – tickets are selling fast!


The key to a successful and enjoyable Caveman Music Festival experience lies in thorough preparation. From researching the event and planning your itinerary to packing the right gear and wearing the right clothes, every detail matters. As you gear up for the festival, remember to relax and soak in the unique atmosphere. The memories you create here will last a lifetime. So, pack your bags, get your tickets, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure at the Caveman Music Festival. See you there!