Allowed Substances at Caveman Fest

The Caveman Music Festival in Weston, CO is an annual event that attracts music lovers from all over the country. While attending this festival, you may be wondering if there are any restrictions on the types of substances allowed. In this article, we’ll discuss the festival’s policy on substances and what you need to know before bringing any with you. Contact us to learn more about colorado music festival

caveman music festival

It’s important to note that the use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited at the Caveman Music Festival. This includes drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and any other illegal substances. The festival organizers have a zero-tolerance policy towards illegal drugs, and any attendee caught using them will be removed from the festival grounds and may face legal consequences. 

In addition to illegal drugs, there are also restrictions on certain legal substances. For example, alcohol is allowed at the festival but only in moderation. Attendees must be at least 21 years old to purchase and consume alcohol, and they must show a valid ID to do so. The festival organizers also reserve the right to cut off alcohol sales to anyone who appears to be intoxicated or is causing a disturbance. 

Another legal substance that is restricted at the Caveman Music Festival is tobacco. Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed areas, including tents, buildings, and restrooms. Additionally, smoking is only allowed in designated smoking areas, and attendees must properly dispose of their cigarette butts. 

It’s worth noting that the use of certain legal substances, such as prescription medication, is allowed at the festival. However, attendees are encouraged to bring their medication in its original container, with the appropriate label and dosage instructions. If you have any questions about bringing medication to the festival, it’s recommended that you contact the festival organizers in advance to clarify their policy. 

It’s important to understand that the restrictions on substances at the Caveman Music Festival are in place for the safety and well-being of all attendees. The festival organizers want everyone to have a fun and enjoyable experience, but they also want to ensure that everyone remains safe and healthy. The use of illegal drugs can be dangerous and can lead to serious health consequences, while the overconsumption of alcohol can lead to accidents, injuries, and other negative outcomes. 

In conclusion, the Caveman Music Festival does have restrictions on the types of substances allowed at the event. The use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited, and the festival organizers have a zero-tolerance policy toward them. Alcohol is allowed but only in moderation, and tobacco smoking is restricted to designated smoking areas. Attendees are encouraged to bring their medication in its original container, with the appropriate label and dosage instructions. By following these guidelines and being respectful of others, you can have a safe and enjoyable experience at the Caveman Music Festival.